Helping couples across the North West resolve conflict around children and financial disputes themselves without the need of courts or solicitors…

Lakes Mediation Cumbria

There will always be disputes between families but choosing mediation is a better solution for dispute resolution – avoid court contact us today!

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Lakes Mediation Cumbria


One of the most common reasons for family disputes is money. Financial disagreements between family members can often be complicated and emotional, leading to tension and hostility.

Finances can be a source of major stress especially when there are disagreements about who should be responsible for which expenses, or the distribution of assets. Finance mediation can help individuals in a family situation come to an agreement on how to divide assets and handle finances in the future.

A mediator can assist in the negotiation of a settlement agreement that is reasonable and fair to all parties.


Child custody battles can be some of the most damaging and emotional disputes in a family.

However, through child mediation, parents can come to agreements on time-sharing, child support, and decision-making that prioritizes the best interest of their children.

Child mediation seeks to find a solution that works for both parents, which in turn creates a positive and less stressful environment for the children.


Sometimes, grandparents can find themselves estranged from their grandchildren, which can cause distress and heartache for both parties.

Family mediation can provide an opportunity for grandparents to reconnect with their grandchildren and rebuild relationships. It's a place to talk openly and honestly about the underlying causes of the conflict and explore practical solutions.

With Lakes Mediation, grandparent mediation can help to create a peaceful and positive solution that restores longstanding relationships.


Pensions and home ownership can be complicated issues to resolve during family disputes.
However, with the help of a skilled mediator, the family members can work together to reach a mutually acceptable solution.


Family mediation can be a beneficial process for those dealing with disputes relating to home ownership.
These types of conflicts can be particularly challenging as it involves one's home and usually includes a hefty financial investment.
Family mediation can provide an environment where both parties can openly discuss their concerns and develop practical solutions.
Mediation can address issues related to property ownership, mortgage payments, and the division of assets or liabilities.

Child Arrangements Order Cumbria

Arrangements for School Holidays

It is essential to consider school holidays when discussing the Child Arrangements Order.

During school breaks, many parents like to take their children on vacation or spend more time with them. The arrangement for the child’s school holidays should be included in the CAO document to avoid any misunderstandings.

An effective way to allocate school holidays can be alternating the years or dividing them equally.

Arrangements for Christmas

Another important consideration when making a child arrangement order is how the child will spend holidays, such as Christmas and Thanksgiving.

Many parents want to spend these special occasions with their children, but it can be challenging to come to an agreement on the specifics. In some cases, the court may specify alternate Christmas arrangements, where the child spends one year with one parent and the next year with the other parent.

Regardless of the specifics of the arrangement, it’s essential to remember that the focus should always be on what is best for the child. This may mean making some sacrifices or compromises, but ultimately, the child’s happiness and well-being should be the top priority.

Arrangements for Birthdays

Birthdays are another important occasion that can be difficult to navigate after a separation. With a Child Arrangements Order, the arrangements for birthdays can be made in advance, providing structure and reducing conflict.

When making a decision about birthday arrangements, the court will consider the age of the child, the wishes of the child, and the practicalities of the situation.

It is generally recommended that the arrangements provide for an equal amount of time spent with each parent, where possible, as well as taking into account family traditions and the child’s best interests.

Spousal Maintenance Cumbria

Spousal maintenance, also known as alimony or spousal support, is another issue that comes up in divorce or separation. It involves one spouse paying the other a certain amount of money on a regular basis to help support them financially. Determining spousal maintenance can be a contentious issue, but with family mediation, a mediator can help both parties find a solution that works for everyone. Here are some benefits of spousal maintenance mediation:

  1. Saves money: Like finance mediation, spousal maintenance mediation can help reduce expenses by avoiding the need for lawyers and going to court.
  2. Promotes fairness: The mediator can help determine a fair amount of spousal maintenance based on relevant factors such as income, living expenses, and other financial obligations.
  3. Maintains privacy: Mediation is a confidential process, which can protect both parties’ privacy compared to going to court.
  4. Improves communication: Mediation can help uncover underlying issues and misunderstandings between both parties, which can help improve communication and resolve conflicts more effectively.
  5. Increases cooperation: Mediation encourages both parties to work together to find a solution that meets their needs and interests, rather than working against each other in court.

Why Choose lakes Mediation Cumbria Over Court?


Why Mediation Is Needed

Family mediation is a process of resolving disputes by facilitating communication and negotiation between two parties.

It enables both parties to find solutions and make decisions that will best serve the interests of their family.

Mediation is important because it promotes an open and honest dialogue between parties, which may not be possible in a traditional legal setting.

Additionally, mediation can be less expensive, less time-consuming, and less emotionally straining than the traditional court system. The mediation process provides a safe and neutral environment for both parties to explore creative solutions and come to agreed terms.

Is It Legally Binding?

Family mediation itself is not legally binding. It is the agreement that is reached through mediation that can be legally binding.

A mediator will encourage the parties to reach an agreement that is acceptable to all. Once an agreement has been reached, it can be written up into a formal legal agreement to be approved by a court.

If a party breaches the formal agreement, then they can be taken to court. It is crucial to note that only written agreements can be legally binding.


What Is

Lakes Mediation is a company that offers a comprehensive range of mediation services to individuals, businesses, and organizations in the United Kingdom.<br><br> With years of experience, our team of highly skilled mediators understands the complex nature of family disputes and can offer unbiased, confidential, and effective mediation services.<br><br> Our mediation services are designed to be cost-effective, convenient, and efficient, providing our clients with a peaceful resolution to their disputes.

Benefits of Lakes Mediation Cumbria

When family conflicts arise, it’s important to find a way to manage them and resolve them in a way that benefits everyone involved. Family mediation is an effective way of resolving conflicts and avoiding legal battles that can be expensive, time-consuming, and can cause significant emotional stress. Here at Lakes Mediation in Louth, we provide family mediation services with our experienced mediators. In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of family mediation and how Lakes Mediation can help you resolve your family conflicts.

Mediating can help in  several ways, including:

MIAMS Session

To what end does a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM) serve?

The initial consultation with a trained family mediator to discuss whether or not mediation could help you resolve your dispute outside of court is called a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (MIAM).

Mediators Role

The mediator’s job is to help you and the other parent talk through your problems, consider possible solutions, evaluate how well they would work inpractise, and ultimately agree on the best course of action.

In shuttle mediation, the disputing parties are separated into separate rooms, and the mediator “shuttles” between them until they strike a compromise.


The mediator is obligated to retain in strictest confidence any information shared with them during the mediation process.
Since is it can be or at any if it becomes that one or both aren’t a through it.

It is the mediator’s responsibility to ensure that the interests and perspectives of the children involved are taken into account.


Before embarking on family mediation, it’s essential to understand the process and what it entails. One of the first steps is attending a MIAM. MIAM stands for Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting, which is an initial consultation with a mediator. The purpose of the MIAM is to provide a comprehensive overview of the mediation process, assess the suitability of the case, and determine whether the parties are willing to mediate.

From Lakes Mediation Cumbria Clients

child access mediation
After our divorce I was seeing less and less of the children. Things were becoming strained and as I work shifts it was stressful. With Lakes help we sorted out an access plan within 2 short sessions thank you!
J. Evans
FPDS trusted
The option of shuttle and online mediation made things possible for us. After years of arguments I was amazed that we reached a financial decision within a 4 sessions. We are now both able to move forward.
B. Smith
parental plan1
When our relationship ended we were unable to come to an agreement on our business we built together. Lakes mediation held a safe and confidential space for us to come to a mutual agreement and avoid the stress and cost of court. Thank you!
V. Frazier
Handling Household Dispute